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Hamad K

Jan 18, Thu

Are you encountering the frustrating “err_too_many_redirects” error after connecting your domain on Vercel through Cloudflare? It’s a common issue caused by a clash in how the two services handle secure connections but fret not — here’s a simple solution

Why Does This Error Occur?

Cloudflare, acting as a middleman, wants to ensure secure connections (HTTPS) between users and your website. However, when it communicates with your Vercel deployment, it sometimes uses HTTP rather than HTTPS. Vercel, quite rightly, upgrades any HTTP requests to the secure HTTPS. Now, the trouble starts: Cloudflare receives the HTTPS request, forwards it to the user, but the user is already on HTTPS, which causes the 308 redirect and hence the issue:


Cloudflare Settings Adjustment: Go to your Cloudflare SSL/TLS settings and switch from “Flexible” to “Full (strict)”. This change ensures Cloudflare communicates securely with Vercel using HTTPS throughout.

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